Today is Charlotte's Birthday. I look back on her 7 years and it seems like it all happened SO FAST. A blink and she's a baby, another and she's a toddler and another - she's lost her two front teeth. Where did the time go? Along with Charlotte's teeth, I think the Tooth Fairy may have taken her youth and it makes me sad that she is this mature little girl.
It's fun to have a child you can really talk to and laugh with...but why did it happen SO FAST?
What I want to know is, where is this little baby who came out of my belly kicking and screaming from the minute she laid eyes on this crazy world of ours? The baby who couldn't stand to be in her car seat or hated to sleep in her crib? I am not joking when I tell you this - this sweet little 7 year old without her two front teeth SCREAMED at us from morning until night.
I can't tell you how many moments were spent in front of the TV with the channel 939: DANCE CLUB MUSIC - at all hours of the day and night. This little girl wanted to MOVE - constantly! Does it surprise you that this same MOVE JUNKIE became a dancer and athlete? The baby swing and Johnny Jump Up, changed our lives!!!!
But again, I ask....Where is this little girl that said "Mommy? I don't deblieve it? " and "Daddy? I just want to BELAX!". Or on her 1st birthday when looking at her beautiful, tiny, personal sized birthday cake (that her "Acha" spent hours making) and screwing up her face while saying "Yutty!"
Our little Charlotte has grown up. Sniff Sniff!
I made a comment to her teacher that seven is such a big year because that is when they learn to do one of the hardest things in their young life: READ. It is one of the biggest milestones! The last one for us was potty training at 2 years old. Her teacher said that Grades 1 - 2 are when the students LEARN TO READ. Grades 3 - 5 are when they READ TO LEARN. I never thought of that before. Now Charlotte is reading entire books to us. She still needs help with some of the words, but I can't believe we went from struggling to get through 2 grueling pages (kill me NOW!) to reading an entire Dr. Seuss book.
Again....time is passing by really quickly and it's making me nervous.
For Charlotte's 7th birthday party, she chose to have a Pajama Party. We were not quite ready for a REAL sleepover, so instead we rented our neighborhood clubhouse to have a MOCK PJ party.
This is Charlotte with her cousin Meg (striped PJ's) and Molly (night gown) dancing before the party began. All three girls LOVE to dance. They come from a long line of great dancers!

My sister and I did manicures and we watched "Camp Rock" on the big screen TV. Every girl brought their sleeping bag, pillow and favorite stuffed animal. The room looked so beautiful with our colorful campsite! We had a roaring fire, cheese puffs, popcorn, pizza and juice boxes. It was a relaxing party (such nice girls) and the girls had such a great time!
And now, one week later, IT'S CHARLOTTE'S BIRTHDAY. We had a really special day! We woke up and cuddled in bed - mommy, daddy, Madison (the kitty), Freddie (the dog) and Charlotte. We went to breakfast and then went to a neighbor's house to see Georgia being creamed by Georgia Tech. After the game, we went home (I took a nap - YAY!) and then we played 2 rounds of Charlotte's new game "Clue".
7, so far, is a fun age. Clothes and hair have become a BIG DEAL, we have graduated to Y-7 TV shows and talking has become Charlotte's new past time. She really cannot stop talking and "The Quiet Game" is a complete waste of time. This is nothing new to ME because I was the same way.
But, 7 is also a sweet age - wanting to be independent, but yet still wanting your mommy. In September, I drove Charlotte and two friends to her Fall Festival. They were so cute in the car, but I don't think I have EVER heard Charlotte talk like she did that night. "Oh My gosh, that is SO AWESOME!"
But then, five seconds later, she is holding my hand and resting her head on my arm as we wait to get Cotton Candy. I just LOVE THAT!!!!
I dread the age where Charlotte is embarrassed to be around me. It will completely and totally crush me. Did I do this to my mother? I want to be Charlotte's MOST favorite person ALWAYS!
I remember back when I was 8 years old. I picked my favorite number. I decided on 7 because it was my BEST year. I picked 7 because it was my most favorite time in my life. Yes, 7 is still a GREAT YEAR.
Can we stay 7 FOREVER????!!!!
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