The story line of the movie follows a group of friends during all four years at the New York High School For Performing Arts. I WAS GLUED TO THE SCREEN THE WHOLE TIME! My friends thought the movie was, "OK" and I thought they were all CRAZY - then I remembered they were more the "BLUE LAGOON" type girls. On a normal night, we would be consumed with the usual girl activities like hair, make-up, Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and crank phone calls. But not tonight. I simply could not get that movie out of my mind. I wanted to KNOW Leroy, Bruno and Coco. I wanted to lie on the classroom floor and go through all of the acting exercises with Doris and Montgomery. I wanted to burst into spontaneous song and dance in the middle of a busy New York Street. Did anyone else understand my passion?
I was completely inspired beyond words and while my friends played "light as a feather, stiff as a board", I was over in the corner making up dances.
The next morning, I declared that my new dream in life was to move to New York and to audition for the High School for Performing Arts. And I wanted to do it all: Dance, Sing and Act! I have always loved singing and who wouldn't agree that I was a great actor (especially on those mornings when I didn't want to go to school). But, I didn't know how to really dance. I had mastered the "Hustle", "The Bus Stop", "The Pretzel" and "The Robot". I had even won a "Twist" contest at my school for our Sock Hop Day. But let's face it, I was no Hillary Van Doren from the movie, "FAME".
My mom enrolled me in dance classes at the sattelite Atlanta Ballet location in my town. My teacher liked to dance to really unusual songs and particularly liked Eric Clapton. We used to giggle when we would do our movement across the floor to "Lay Down Sally" and "Cocaine". Those were the days when you could get away with murder and parents remained silent. These days, that teacher would be fired.
Where was I?? Anyways...In dance class, I became re-acquainted with the feet positions (from my younger days of dance) and was quick to learn passe, pique, grand battement, pas de chat and my absolute favorite: leaps! You can imagine my thrill doing our final recital dance to the song "Red Light" (which, if you don't already know, was from my favorite movie, "FAME"). You're going to love our costume: red leotard, pink tights, red leg warmers, and a sequin belt and headband. Aft the end of the year, I signed up for a two week summer ballet intensive. In my mind, I had become a real dancer and nothing was stopping me.
At home in my room, I would spend hours in front of the mirror pretending I was making my "big break". I would put on my dance outfit, get out the real, live, working microphone and sing the entire "Chorus Line" soundtrack and "Out Here On My Own" (yeah, I know, from FAME again) just like Irene Cara. I have never been so embarressed in my life when my neighbor told me that she heard me singing. I had no idea that the speakers on the back porch were broadcasting my performances to the whole neighborhood. I think I even disturbed the dogs. Oh, well...being a star can be humiliating.
And then....I don't know what happened. I must have lost that passion when puberty hit. Dance became less important and my friends at school, spend the night parties, BOYS and roller skating became my focus. I soon forgot about my dream of going to New York. I guess that just happens to some of us. But it is on my list of life's regrets, along with giving up piano lessons and my mom not letting me go to "Barbizon School Of Modeling" after I told the whole 7th grade class I was leaving school to star in commercials and fashion shows.
Soon I was 16 and driving, next I was graduating high school and then I was off to college. Thank goodness, I came back to performing when I was in college. I majored in theatre and transformed into a master thespian, becoming totally engrossed in all the characters I played. I even got back to dancing for my parts in the spring musicals.
I met my husband in college. We dated for several years, acted in a few plays together and talked of our dream of becoming at least part-time actors. We even went to an audition on the night of our first wedding anniversary. Life continued on, did a little local theatre and got what our parents call "real jobs".
And then one day...Pete DID take me to New York City. It was the most amazing experience and beyond my wildest dreams. We saw live theatre, walked down every street, strolled through Central Park, went to the Museum of Modern Art (or MOMA, as the New Yorkers like to say) toured the NBC Studio and had dinner in Greenwich Village. I had never felt so alive in all my life.
As we reached the top of the Empire State Building, I took a moment to soak in the beautiful city below me. I had finally made it to New York. I came not as a performer, but as an audience member, witnessing the city's rich culture, it's vibrant colors and it's electric energy. I said a quick prayer and thanked GOD for not sending me to see "AIRPLANE" on that magical night, long ago. Who knows, I could have turned out to be a flight attendant.
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