Wednesday, September 28, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Something You Collect

 I collect glass bottles of all kinds. When I was a little girl, my mom would take me along while she went "antiquing" and she'd find these beautiful, old apothecary bottles. I love glass bottles because they have a history. Many were made between the early 1800's - 1950's. Back when Pete and I were living in our FIRST home, my mom came over to help me decorate. To my surprise, she brought her bottle collection and thought it would look perfect on my green shelves. It now sits on top of my cabinets in my kitchen and I swear...nothing warms up a room like an old bottle lit up from the sun shining through a window. I have added to my collection over the years and every now and then, I look up to see these gorgeous colors and it makes me smile!

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